Mr. Bean's Holiday DVD
Mr Bean's Holiday is a feature length episode of Chaplinesque silent silliness from Rowan Atkinson's top-earning character.
Mr Bean has won a church fete raffle's top prize, consisting of a trip to France. A starry-eyed Bean boards the Eurostar and hits 'Gay Paree' like a ton of rubble. The language barrier causes our hero no end of grief until he meets Emil, a Russian director on his way to judge at Cannes. Emil agrees to film Bean climbing aboard his train to the south and his dream vacation - a move that causes Emil to miss the train himself. Bean comforts Emil's son, who DID make it aboard, by trying to entertain him. Little does Bean know he's accompanying a child that's been reported kidnapped and that he himself fits the description of the prime suspect!
Bean must go to Cannes himself to try and sort out the mess but he's only gone and left his wallet and travel documents behind! The trip to Cannes provides more opportunity for confusion as Bean ends up in the middle of a chaotic production. At Cannes, after hitching a ride with the lovely Sabine - an actress in the film - Bean and Stephan end up, well, 'brightening up' the premiere of Clay's film.