
Following on from the success of the Classic Mr Bean series, the animated TV series started in 2002. Voiced by Rowan Atkinson, this animated series opened the world of Mr Bean to a new generation of fans. Take a look at the great selection of gifts available.

Baked Bean A5 Notepad

Baked Bean A5 Notepad


Baked Bean Baby Bib

Baked Bean Baby Bib


Baked Bean Baby Grow

Baked Bean Baby Grow


Baked Bean Bone China Mug

Baked Bean Bone China Mug


Baked Bean Coaster

Baked Bean Coaster


Baked Bean Cushion

Baked Bean Cushion


Baked Bean Enamel Mug

Baked Bean Enamel Mug


Baked Bean Lunchbox

Baked Bean Lunchbox


Baked Bean Magnet

Baked Bean Magnet


Baked Bean Metal Keyring

Baked Bean Metal Keyring


Baked Bean Mouse mat

Baked Bean Mouse mat


Baked Bean Pencil tin

Baked Bean Pencil tin
